Waline is a lightweight and secure comment system. It is a backend-supported comment system derived from Valine, essentially a Valine with a backend. Waline offers various features such as email notifications, WeChat notifications, comment management, and multi-database support, including LeanCloud, MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.
2024/12/25...About 2 min
This article explains how to use Docker to deploy GitLab
Using the official GitLab documentation, we can easily install GitLab via Docker.
2024/12/13...About 3 min
GitLab is an open source application developed mainly in Ruby on Rails language, which implements a self-hosted Git project repository that can be accessed and managed through a web interface. In short, it is a GitHub that can be deployed privately.
2023/7/5...About 7 min
2023/6/23...Less than 1 minute
2023/6/23...Less than 1 minute
When you see this article, it means that MengGuyi’s blog is finally open for business!
Please be sure to visit and bookmark it a lot! ! !
I will share some fun and interesting content on the website.
In short, please please, be sure to interact with me! ! !
2023/6/23...Less than 1 minute